Second day of the 2024 “Week of Women and Girls in Science”

“Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia International Award” Ceremony at the Residence of the Italian Ambassador in DC. 

The award, named after the first woman to receive a doctoral degree in Padua and in the modern world (1678), celebrates the contribution of women scientists and scholars to research, innovation, and the development of a scientific culture based on equality. 

The award, promoted by the Institute of Italian Culture (IIC) of New York, the Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation (ISSNAF) and the Elena Cornaro Center of the University of Padua, is intended for women scientists of Italian citizenship who work in the US and have distinguished themselves for excellence in research, continuity of commitment, vision and leadership. Recipients of the award were Paola Arlotta (Chair, Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Harvard), Elisa Bertino (Samuel D. Conte Professor of Computer Science, Purdue University).

With the participation of Monica Bertagnolli (Director of National Insitutes of Health), Susan Monarez (Deputy Director of ARPA-H), Dava Sobel (Best sellers author and former New York Times science reporter), Jeanne Marrazzo (Director National Institute Allergy and Infectious Diseases – National Institute of Health).


Mentoring of the Next Generation