Contact Us

  • Contact us to learn more about:

    • Our mission and work.

    • Partnering with your organization.

    • Promoting an event focused on women at the intersection of science and diplomacy.

For any additional questions, please contact

Membership Types:

  • Full Membership ($100):

    • Science diplomats, professionals actively engaged in science diplomacy, international collaboration, science policy, science and technology entities.

  • Associate Membership ($100):

    • Any individual who is not eligible for other types of membership but who supports the goals of WiSDA.

  • Student Membership ($25):

    • Currently enrolled in an academic program related to science, technology, innovation, international relations, and science diplomacy.

  • International Members ($20):

    • Members located outside of the U.S.

  • Corporate & Institution Membership ($1,000):

    • Maximum 10 individual members joining from the organization.